
Overview: Scribble is an note-taking/journaling app I created that’s geared towards writing short, concise entries throughout the day that can be easily organized for later review. One of the benefits of micro-journaling over traditional journaling methods is that writing down your thoughts in the moment doesn’t require the time-commitment of writing an entire journal entry and more accurately captures exactly how you are feeling in the moment.

Being both the designer and developer of this app gave me the opportunity to better explore/define specifications for user interactions, gain more valuable user feedback with a coded prototype, and have complete ownership over the final product.

Technologies Used: SwiftUI, CoreData, CloudKit, RevenueCat, CocoaPods, User Defaults, Matched Geometry Effect, GeometryReader, Tap/Drag Gestures, Presentation Detents, Preference Keys, Face/Touch ID Authentication, Haptic Feedback, TestFlight, App Store Connect

<aside> 📱 Download Scribble on the App Store: scribble-app.com


Video Overview

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